Miniature Crochet for The Serious Miniature Collector

FREE Printables for your Dollhouse Miniatures and Roomboxes

Printable Wallpapers or even gift wrap for your dollhouse projects...
If they do not print for you, I do apologize. These work on my printer, and that is all I have to go by. I made these for myself, and decided to share them, so here we are, enjoy!

Click on the size of the wallpaper pattern you would like to print.

FREE Printable Dollhouse Wallpaper for your Sewing Room!

1 inch scale wall paper
1 inch scale border

1 inch scale wall paper
1 inch scale border

More Printable Dollhouse Wallpaper for your projects!

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 or 1/4 in scale

1 inch scale
1/2 or 1/4 in scale

1 inch scale
1/2 or 1/4 in scale

1 inch scale
1/2 or 1/4 in scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

1 inch scale
1/2 inch scale

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